Tuesday, June 26, 2007

To the ends of Calgary ...

Part Two: June is nearly over already! Almost two months has gone by since our start in May. Our weekly schedule has consisted of weekly meetings on Mondays, in-depth bible studies on Wednesdays, seminars on Thursdays, fun nights on Fridays, and outreach events on Saturdays. Our Saturdays are when we put our preparation in practice - by actually going out to share the Gospel. We are creative in the ways we do this ...

The first three Saturdays, we went out into the city (whether downtown, on the City Train, or at malls) to do initiative evangelism. We would seek out people interested in spiritual matters and hope to have a conversation leading to a presentation of the Gospel.

On the fourth Saturday, we hosted a free BBQ for the community, where we presented a humorous skit on God's love and where I got to share my testimony in front of many neighbours. We engaged in many spiritual discussions with the people who came out. God used my testimony to speak to one lady. She was the mother of a teenaged child who was getting into the same dark lifestyle from which God saved me. She was given hope that God still saves, and I was given the opportunity to hang out with her son and be a brother to him in Christ.

We hosted a free Beach Volleyball tournament, where we invited co-workers to have fun and hear a testimony. And both they did. Although we did not see as many people come out as we had hoped, it was still a very fun and exciting day. Our very own Cameron Berg shared his riveting testimony, about how God turned him from focussing on his victories in sports to victories in the spiritual life.

Because our staff leaders left the project halfway through (to let the students take on leadership roles), we have used our Thursday evenings to do personal ministries with co-workers and other individuals. These are more intimate and allow for deeper conversations. As we look back on what has already occurred, we're thankful that God has used us to reach the people in Calgary. Pray our third and final month of July will be a powerful drive to the finish line!

End of Part Two.
I will update with posts of our past retreat, and other random things, in the next few weeks ...

Pictures from Part Two.


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